Week 6 presentation
http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/jedd478321-2954295-jedd-mark-griffin-presentation/ Here is a link to my presentation. I hope...
Halictus ligatus bee
A female Halictus ligatus bee, from the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, covered in pollen from an unknown...
London Honeybees
http://thebeephotographer.photoshelter.com/gallery/London-Honeybees/G0000dwpZMJdjdu4/ This link was provided for me by one of my peers. I...
Power and responsibility
For me taking images of people in any way is problematic. As a photographer you have to be sensitive to the subject but detached enough...
Ethical practice week 5
For me as a photographer who bases my whole photographic career around the idea of “Making a difference”, I feel its is my responsibility...
Week 4 Presentation Feedback
This weeks task was to make a presentation of images from your proposed idea, that could briefly outline the direction you are planning...
what you think non-photographers make of professional photographers - what are the conceptions and m
One of the main misconceptions of our practice is that "everybody can do that. Its just point and click". Non-photographers see our...
Week 3 reflection
For this weeks project we have been to asked to work in pairs or groups of three’ to create a collaborative piece of work. Whilst looking...
Satmya research- Cedar bark
http://www.satmya.ie/treemedicine/ Cedar (Thuja occidentalis ): Native to Canada & North America. An excellent remedy for warts, moles,...
Ivy Jessica
https://www.bakker.com/en-gb/p/ivy-jessica-M42121 "This type of climber is air purifying too! There are significant quantities of harmful...