Image display for hand in
I have looked a four ways to display the images. I feel display float would work best for this project. The images are large enough to be...
Interesting image from collection.
Whilst documenting the collection of my images from the hives I managed to take this image. The images shows the interaction between the...
Me collecting work from hives/ Bee interaction with my images
Here are images of me collecting my images from hives. The images also show the interaction with the images the bees have once taken from...
I have just signed up to this tracking website that shows when farmers will stay crops and what with. This could be very useful...
How Do Honey Bees Make Hives?
for this stage of the project I want to look at who the bees behave when creating there hives. I want to find a way of integrating my...
Wonderwool Wales 2017
Whilst exploring the exhibition I was drawn to one felt maker in particular. Her use of organic materials to create her pieces is very...
Outlets for my project I have watched this video today and even though the video was very...
My equipment
Film developer: Ilford Ilfotec DDX 1+6. In my opinion it is the best film developer, both in terms of performance and reliability, that...
What I have learnt.
One of the most difficult things I had to learn about black and white darkroom printing is to recognise good from bad prints and know how...
Relevance of my project
I have looked at adverts by greenpeace and how they are raining the issue visually. I think the images are very literal and allow for no...