Week 8
Week 8 This week I have been looking into developing plans to give my own workshop. I have firstly created bullet points outlining my...

Week 7 phonebook vs album
Photo Albums: Photographs – The pictures for photo albums are printed onto special photographic paper using either advanced digital...

Week 7 What is a zine ? and how can they help
What is a zine ? A zine is usually a non – commercial, non professional publication, kind of like a magazine but with a twist. The main...

Week 6
This week I have been focusing my time around gallery information, I have been collating a wide range of galleries and alternative spaces...

Week 5
For this week I have been image making. I have created photograms which I have then printed on my handmade bio papers. I have placed four...

Week 4
This week I have exploring the natural behaviours of bees and how there interactions with each other can not only shape my work but it...

Week 2
Week 2 Refresh of targets from week 1: I need to have a clear understanding of what I want the new set of images to achieve. I have to...

Creating a video trailer
The first video is more a slide show of my work. I created it with the idea of forming something that can reach more senses than just...

Week one in reflection.
Week one- review This week I have been focusing on the more experimental levels of my project. I have been taking my images and thinking...