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Fiona Campbell


The textured nests of this endangered bee inspired Fiona to create these pieces of work. Tests are made of mud in grass tussocks, roots and rocky cavities. In its remaining British site (Wales), the bee frequents a short section of sandstone and chalk cliffs’ (BWARS). Fiona Campbell incorporated found steel components, similar in form to roots, alluding to human intervention and modern agricultural practices, which are proven threats. Osmia Xanthomelana bees feed on horseshoe vetch, a golden coloured plant with a horseshoe shaped seed. My use of gold leaf also signifies the plant’s preciousness to these bees. It is thought that loss of habitat is one of the causes for its decline. The chicken wire and other protrusions suggest instability, falling, precipice, cliff edge…" Media: found and reclaimed wire, steel, paper pulp, handmade paper, mod roc, plaster, clay, hessian, pigment, gold leaf

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