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Week 8

Week 8

This week I have been looking into developing plans to give my own workshop. I have firstly created bullet points outlining my strengths and weaknesses as a photographer. The reason for doing this is to see what area I could give a master level workshop, that would not only be engaging but beneficial to myself and the people on the course, the reason for looking at my weakness’ is that with so many students offering workshop placements I may find it beneficial to join some at a later date.

Strengths Areas to improve

Wildlife photography Studio

Alternative process Location lighting

Dark room Video

Photoshop Mounting and book making

Looking at my strengths in line with my current project work, I feel it would be more relative doing a workshop in dark room process but with a more alternative approach similar to my own work. I could get the students using the dark room to create photographic fine art. Bringing materials into the dark room you wouldn’t usually find there (such as water, oils, translucent materials, fabrics etc.)

Helping the students create unique pieces of art that can lift and change the dynamic of their initial images. I would ask the students to prepare a 35mm processed roll that they can work from in the workshop. Initially teaching them how to expose correctly to get the best image possible. Once this is achieved I will ask them to think of an emotion or story they would like to create with their images, we would then look at bringing the materials into their pieces to help shape and change them into more subjective reflections of their ideas.

Showing the students that the dark room doesn’t have to be this very static scientific copy it can be a very free and expressive medium that when explored more ambiguously can open your mind to many different avenues to explore. The aim of the 4-hour work shop would be to produce one well defined and contrasted image from the roll of 35mm and one unique story telling image.

Where would the workshop be? The workshop would be in my converted cellar at my home in which I do all my darkroom work. It is fully equipped and big enough for around 8 students and myself comfortably and safely.

The price of the workshop. The price of the workshop would be £10 per person. This cost is just to cover the cost of material, with this low cost a requirement would be the students would have to fill in a short questionnaire at the end of the day giving feedback which I can put into practice if it’s something I continue.

How long would the workshop be? I have thought about this for some time and settled on a 4-hour workshop. This would be enough time to create the two images and have an in-depth discussion on the images created but also the practical steps to get to their final images.

My dark room layout.

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