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Week 5

This week I have been further expanding my knowledge of my subject area. With there being so many developments in the actual use of pesticides in the last few months I have taken this week to refresh my theoretical mind on my project. I have looked back at my theory work that has been shaping the project thus far and explored how and if these are still areas that are in a hypothetical stage or if decisions have been made, such as definite dates for expulsion or reintroduction of pesticides.

Whilst looking back at my theoretical posts I can see that there has been a very strong shift in governmental interest in the use of pesticides. At the start of the course the use of pesticides was something that has only really been discussed on a very small political scale, but now at this time the political side of the pesticide is taking leaps and bounds above the actual environmental reasoning for not using them. The discussions between parties and environmental leaders is taking a juxtaposition, by this I mean they are both following a path of hypothetical reasoning but seemingly getting nowhere.

The tory government is taking a stance that these pesticides (even though scientifically proven to have negative effects on bee population, flora and fauna production) are not backed up enough to warrant any real discussion. I feel as the evidence is taken into consideration we will see a big shift in their opinion and it will be something that could be up for heavy discussion in parliament. The reason I feel this is, the stigma attached with the tory led government that they are power, money crazed elitists that would step over any law to make or take money. That if this was raised in a political discussion they could see it as a way of appealing to more people, people who wouldn’t usually be interested in their manifestos. There have been many times that Michael Gove has discussed pesticides from as a political issue rather than an environmental one such as “77% of the public have asked for a ban on these pesticides I feel it would be in the parties interest to listen to these requests”

Not the world interest, not wildlife’s interest but the parties interest, now doesn’t this make you think a change is coming. Will I be correct in my assumption that this important environmental issue is going to get lost in a political badminton?

This week visually I have been creating new images that are focusing around textures, this is to help elevate this sense of not seeing the full picture within my images. Also, a very visual representation of how an environmental factor can shape and change the images, such as the change made by the pesticides.

I have read this very interesting document in which it describes in depth the values of texture and how a texture can adjust not only the perception of the image but also how we adjust to it emotionally and intellectually.

Find the paper here-

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